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Child and forced labor in global supply chains pose significant risks to companies. To address these challenges, the U.S. Department of Labor offers Comply Chain: Business Tools for Labor Compliance in Global Supply Chains. This app is designed to help companies and industry groups develop robust social compliance systems. Comply Chain provides practical, step-by-step guidance on eight critical elements of social compliance. It is ideal for companies looking to establish or enhance their social compliance systems.
Zolon plays a crucial role in enhancing, developing, testing, implementing, and maintaining DOL web and mobile applications, including Comply Chain and Sweat and Toil. The team successfully completed the redesign of the Comply Chain application during the base year, introducing several new features and a user-friendly interface. This redesign includes improvements to the Home Page and Side Menu for the Web version, as well as the Menu Steps interface for the Mobile version. These enhancements have led to reduced content loading times and a more engaging user experience.